Smoked Cheese

We cold-smoked cheese last week , Saturday November 2, 2024, just using the smoke tube; didn’t turn on the propane.

Cheese included: Grafton Village Cheddar from Vermont,  Swiss Le Gruyere, Vermont Cabot Sharp Cheddar, Cabot Farmhouse Cheddar Vermont, French Marcel Petite Comte.


Make Roumy for Cheese

We visited Aladdin Market on Main Street in Laurel, MD today, and we tried what they called Roomy Cheese. Roumy (also known as Romy or Romi or Turkish cheese) is made from cow’s and water buffalo milk.

It’s an Egyptian cheese in the Parmesan family. The cheese we bought was salty, with  complex flavor.  It seems to be slightly aged, but still soft and crumbly.

Roumy was yummy.

One site said Roumy cheese is sold in some markets un-aged in slices and  ready-to-use packages. It is a staple in Egyptian breakfast.

Aladdin Market let us try it before buying, and they also said it sometimes comes with black pepper.

We also visited the Prince George’s County Memorial Library Laurel Branch so I could renew my Library cart. Pretty place, and only 6 years old.

Blooming Clover Camembert Style

Camembert Style Cow's Milk
Blooming Clover – cow’s milk

From the Uptown Market in the Van Ness neighborhood of Washington, DC. “Blooming Clover is a Camembert style cow milk cheese. The milk is sourced from Green Ridge Farm, which is located approximately 15 minutes from Clover Valley Creamery. The cows have a diet of grass and a minimal amount of GMO free corn. No fermented foods are fed to the cows. ” $10. July 2021. Nice and creamy, not too salty. Rind semi-edible.

Red Witch cheese

The raw cow’s milk comes from Switzerland and has a creamy paste with a rich, nutty and addicting flavor. I think this will be a great go-to melting cheese. This would definitely classify as a “smelly” cheese for some.

Mrs. Zuehlke, a cheese lover, is behind the creation of the Red Witch. In February when people celebrate the carnival, dress up (like on Halloween) she thought that a cheese that goes well with wine or beer or spirits would be nice for the long evenings. So she contacted acclaimed cheese maker Christian Oberli, and they met in the restaurant of the main train station of the capital Berne to discuss proceedings.
He created the recipe, and with the cayenne peppery red rind as well as the “scary” label with the witch on her broom a visually attractive cheese was born. Made from raw whole milk the paste is creamy, easy melting, and relatively mild. But for Quality Cheese he increased the aging in his cellars from 5 to 8, 9 months when the Red Witch gets aromatic and nutty.

sfgate article


Telbaneer real Armenian string cheese

Our traditional Armenian braided string cheese, called also Fine Tresses, Angel Hair or Mshallaleh, is the real Armenian string cheese handmade according to genuine traditions with nigella seeds (also known as black cumin or black caraway).

It is fine braided following the traditional Armenian string cheese production methods.

Karlacti String Cheese comes in the form of a knotted endless loop of fine string braids due to the way it is hand pulled.

Byblos angel hair cheese

We got some Angel Hair Cheese from Thomas Market in Laurel.

Angel hair cheese
Laurel md
Whole milk
Black nigella seeds
Pinch of salt
Thomas market $7.99
90 calories per ounce
13% sodium
Hand braided
Byblos brand